2月14日・南モンゴル世界同時行動の抗議文 | 一般社団法人 南モンゴル自由民主運動基金 Webサイト


抗 議 文


























抗 议 书



1. 中国宪法明文规定,依法治国、人民当家作主。换言之,那么在哪里生活的牧民,就是哪里的主人。在没有通过人民许可的前提下,任何组织或个人擅自占用牧民的草场或土地是属于非法行为。当前习近平提出依法治国,正在严惩各界大小腐败官员。我们强烈要求,相关部门必须严惩内蒙古自治区农牧区工作小组副组长曹征海为首的地方腐败官员,以扩建“朱日和军事训练场”为名,非法占用牧民草场的行为。

2. 我们强烈要求,利用权势对牧民进行非法打压和恐吓的警察的名单,要公布于众并依法惩治。

3. 我们强烈要求,要依法处理拖欠牧民补贴的相关官员。相关部门必须如数兑现牧民的拖欠款并且由于打压而给牧民带来的经济和精神上的损失,要给补偿。

4. 我们强烈要求,“朱日和军事训练场”对周边牧民生活带来的一切损失,必须给予补偿。

5. 我们强烈要求,要立即释放近期因抗议而被非法关押的牧民,对他们身心所带来的损失必须给予补偿。

To the Standing Committee of People’s Congress, Party Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the Government

To the Government and Communist Party Committee of Durbed Banner and Sunite Right Banner and Horchin Rear Banner


Recently, the herdsmen from Mongolia appeal to Beijing or even hold protests in order to protect their land and pasture. In order to protect their own legal rights, the herdsmen from Ulaanchab, Xilinhot and Ulaanhad appealed from the basic Banner government, Hohhot, even to the central relative agencies in Beijing, but failed. The officials in the Banner government deceived the herdsmen by procrastinating the cases and insulted them deliberately, which drove the herdsmen to protest in the street. According to the videos, we could see how the local policemen threatened the herdsmen and repressed the unarmed herdsmen with violence.

Thus we raise the following requests as follows:

1. According to the Constitution of People’s Republic of China, Chinese people are the real masters of this country. In other words, the herdsmen on the grassland are the real masters of their homeland. Without the permission of the herdsmen, Neither the organization nor one person has the right to bestow or transact their land. Chairman Xi jinping advocates the policy of ruling the country by law and we strongly request relative departments to punish the local corrupt officials led by Cao Zhenghai, the vice team leader of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Farming and Pastoral Areas working group who illegally expropriated the pasture of the herdsmen when expanding the Zhu rihe military Base.

2. We intensively request the authorities to publish and punish the manifest roll of policemen who illegally cracked down the lawful activities of the herdsmen.

3. We intensively request the authorities to compensate the defaulted money immediately and strongly punish the relative officials. Compensate the real number money to the herdsmen and be responsible for their psychological loss.

4. We intensively request to compensate the loss of the nearby herdsmen of Zhu rihe Military Base.

5. Finally, we strongly request the herdsmen who protested during this time to be released immediately.The relative authorities also needs to compensate their physical and mental damage.

Inner Mongolian People’s Party

Mongolia Liberal Union Party

Mongolia Democratic Party

Mongolia Human Rights Information Center

South-Mongolia Liberal Democratic Fund

Qingqi community

14th Feb, 2015
